About Me

Hey! If your here, congrats on finding my latest deeply-hidden blog. I've used blogspot on and off since I was 15, and tbh I am only starting up again because I am most familiar with this and am not quite ready to go to a different blogging platform until I have a bit more direction in terms of what I want to write about. My former blog is still online if you want to see the frantic efforts of a 16-19 year old trying to figure out what blogging was/make money from AdSense revenue and cringe a LOT. I've grown and changed a lot since then, so this is an overview of me as I am now.

First things first, I'm a film student going into my final year of undergrad. I've been going to school in Chicago, and it's honestly been the time of my life. While I've been in school, I've been studying PR and Advertising (PRAD) alongside film. I don't like it nearly as much, so I don't intend on pursuing any sort of career within the PRAD realm. 

At college, my limited free time is spent working on campus as an administrative assistant, in my professional cinematic organization (it's like a business fraternity), working on student films in producing, casting, hair/makeup artist, or assistant-directing positions, or with my friends and boyfriend. 

I'm originally from Northeast Ohio, and I will defend LeBron James up until my dying breath. My family is very small and we don't always agree on things, but I love them very much. It's one of those "distance makes the heart grow fonder" situations where I didn't appreciate them enough before moving out of state, but see so much of the good in them having had time to grow. 

Some of my hobbies include knitting, cooking, and design, and my interests outside of film include philosophy, ethics, film theory (it's different!!!), and astrology. I'm an Aquarius sun, Cancer moon, and Leo rising. I've been on a HUGE kick with astrology, having been introduced to it through the people in my cinematic society. At this point, I can figure out the major elements in somebody's birth chart just by knowing them for a few weeks. I can spot a Libra from a mile away. I'm not a major horoscope fanatic, I just think that birth charts are an interesting way to look at yourself from the outside and try to see the things in yourself that you may not always notice. 

Like more and more millennials, I struggle a lot with mental health. I personally think that I have some form of mood disorder, but I don't want to diagnose myself. I've tried to talk about it with my family, but it's difficult so not a lot of progress has been made. Basically, I just try to get by on self-care alone and that isn't always cutting it. This blog is a form of self-care for me, and a topic I want to go in depth with on this blog is self-care for the busy young adult.

I've been spending the summer in Los Angeles as part of a directing intensive that my filmmaking program put together. This is the first year of the program, and with how it's gone (as far as organization), I think it may be the last. However, I really, REALLY like LA and this summer has solidified the fact that I want to live here after I graduate and build my life and career here. So, as you may have guessed from the title of this blog, this is about my journey through my final year in college, preparations for the cross-country move, adjustments to the city, and the development of my professional life post-grad. This blog, above all else, is helping me stay focused on that goal while also giving me the tools to help others develop as professionals and as people. 
